Posted on 2/2/2023

Recently while being a passenger with a much younger driver it came to my attention that new drivers don’t know about the dangers of tailgating. And I’m not talking about a 17-year-old who just got their license either (the written test for those drivers might at least still be fresh in their mind) I’m referring to twenty-somethings who have been at this driving thing for some time now and should now be safe and reliable drivers. However as I held on for dear life, jammed my foot to the brake pedal that wasn’t there, made the sign of the cross while praying that this was not the end, and even closed my eyes on a few close calls, I had to speak up. I get that I’m “old” in the eyes of the company I was in, but I really felt uncomfortable being shotgun for this ride. I felt even worse for the backseat passengers. So, after yet another near miss and me holding my breath I calmly asked the driver ... read more