Posted on 6/28/2022

Did you know that your vehicle is not a crock pot? Yes, of course you did! Your vehicle is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. This blog's topic for the Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber is the importance of routine oil changes. When you talk to anyone at Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber, we will unequivocally preach the good word of routine oil changes! “Why do we want routine oil changes?”, you may be asking. “They are just trying to get more money from me, it’s a racket in the auto industry,” you may be thinking. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. When you change oil at the recommended intervals, with oil that meets or exceeds the manufacturer's specifications, you will extend the life of the engine and increase its efficiency. Right after an oil change is the closest you will get to the brand-new, right-off-the-lot feel of driving. Your engine has full power as the oil lubricates all the moving parts ... read more
Posted on 6/10/2022

Our technicians work tirelessly behind the scenes every day and they certainly have their work cut out for them. Some days are more challenging and exciting than others, but they are always rewarding. June's Repair of the month: Our super talented technician, Jay worked on this '08 Chevy Silverado 5.3 liter and the outcome was pretty spectacular. Here is a little overview. This '08 Chevy Silverado with 200k miles on it. The Client's complaint was that the check engine light was on and the vehicle was running rough at idle. After a full health inspection, and code scan Jay was able to read that the PCM (powertrain control module) Had a Code p0301-Cylinder 1 misfire only at idle. After swapping cylinder one and cylinder two spark plugs and swapping cylinder 1 and cylinder 3 spark plug wires, the misfire stayed in cylinder 1. He then swapped cylinder 1 coil and cylinder 3 coil, the misfire still stayed in cyl ... read more
Posted on 6/4/2022

Tyler Zehnbauer is our newest team member and technician here at Automotive Magic. He's a graduate of Warren County Community College's Automotive Program. He brings with him seven years of dealership experience. Tyler’s our “Honda” guy. If you have a question about your Honda vehicle, his seven years of dealership experience dedicated to just Honda's can set your mind at ease, that he's the right technician to see. He is ready to meet all your automotive needs. He's eager to tackle any job big or small and prides himself on taking each one through to completion with perfection. Tyler is from Hackettstown, NJ where he currently lives with his girlfriend Courtney and their four dogs Ruby, Tyke, Riley & Gunner. Tyler loves to work on all things mechanical. When he's not working on a vehicle, he's out fishing, riding on his quad, or hitting the open roads on his motorcycle. He also enjoys whipping up a little magic of his own in the kit ... read more
Posted on 4/19/2022

Automotive Magic is always working toward ways to improve your customer experience. We know that you are busy and we understand that you may not have the time in your day to give us a call to schedule your service appointment. We want to help you and make it smoother for you, so we’ve found a way to help. We want to introduce you to our new virtual assistant Chatbot, Otis. Otis can help you with a variety of things, located right at the bottom of our website, all you have to do is ask, and Otis will help you along. Here are some of the types of things Otis can help you with. Anytime is a good time for Otis Have you ever thought it’s too late or too early to call a friend or family member? Have you missed out on making an appointment because the day has completely disappeared and now it’s after business hours? Well, Otis doesn’t have a 9-5 position, in fact Otis is working 24/7 so that you can have immediate support. Otis can access ... read more
Posted on 3/21/2022
Fuel Saving Tips: Here in New Jersey, we are no exception to the price of fuel rising every day. We know that making every gallon count is on everyone's minds. There are some services that we offer that can help you extend those fill-ups and possibly save you some money. When it comes to your tire inflation, nitrogen is a larger molecule than the molecules in the air which in turn makes it much less prone to leaking. Keeping the correct amount of PSI in your tires makes the vehicle roll effortlessly and efficiently. When the PSI is low the tires do not perform to their capacity and it's equivalent to trying to run in the sand. A fuel injection cleaning is a vital part of vehicle maintenance, a clean injector atomizes the fuel into a fine mist which makes for complete combustion equaling maximum power and fuel mileage. Injectors easily get dirty from contaminants in the fuel and carbon build-up from combustion making poor atomization of the ... read more
Posted on 2/4/2022

Ben Sisto has joined us as Service Consultant. His love for everything automotive goes back to when his hands just got big enough to hold a wrench. He’s been twisting one and fixing things his whole life. He’s always been intrigued by the inner workings of all things mechanical. His ten years of experience as an auto parts specialist brings him to us with an abundance of knowledge, not only can he diagnose automotive problems, he has the capability to source the best quality parts for just about any vehicle, and he knows his way around under the hood. He’s a certified electronic technician which again, speaks to his attention to detail and organization. Originally from Nutley, He now resides in Wantage, NJ with his wife Amy and his three children Olivia(10), Benjamin(6), and Vinny (3). He’s been flying airplanes since the age of 15 and loves the great outdoors, particularly snowboarding. He also loves playing with his kids and remo ... read more
Posted on 7/21/2021

Jodi Wesley has joined the Automotive Magic team as Service Support Administrator. Jodi comes with ten years of experience in automotive finance and is no stranger to the inner workings of the automotive industry. She’s also handled the logistical as well as customer service and sales roles at an international furniture dealership. Her ability to handle high volume and demanding workloads has proven to be an asset within the Automotive Magic service team. Her enthusiasm and high energy are contagious and our customers are delighted with her ability to address their needs and concerns in a way that is beneficial to all. She’s a native NewJerseyan, from Sussex County but resides in Port Jervis NY with her husband Dave of 34 years. She’s the mother of three grown children 31, 29 and 21. She enjoys beach time and RVing at the Jersey Shore, family time, and walks with her pup Carlo. We’re excited to have Jodi on our team and we are confident that you ... read more
Posted on 4/29/2021

It's getting to be that time that you'll be wanting to escape from the summer elements by getting into the cool comfort of your vehicle. If you are like many people who ended last summer with the hopes that the A/C would perform for just a few more times, then you know that the moment of truth will be when you turn that knob. When you flip that page to the new month in your Roxbury Town Planner, you'll be happy to see that you are in luck. For the month of May, you can receive $70.00 off of our A/C Performance Inspection. This includes an overall inspection of the system, up to 1 pound of refrigerant, and injecting a dye into the system which will inform us if there are any leaks that are in need of repair. All you have to do is grab that coupon, give us a call and we will take care of making sure you are prepared for the hot and humid months ahead of us. Taking a few simple measures of preventative care can relieve you of the worries ... read more
Posted on 4/22/2021

E As we enter into the warmer weather, summer is rapidly approaching, vacation destinations are top of mind and planning is in motion. A lot more people will be driving this year, as opposed to flying to their chosen location. While making your itinerary and deciding on beach gear and suitable clothing, you may want to consider getting your vehicle prepared as well. The extra weight of luggage, bicycles, and passengers in your vehicle can put an extra burden on your vehicle. A quick visit to our shop can help prevent some unfortunate mishaps along the way. Checking the condition of your tires, making certain that they have proper pressure and tread can make for a smoother ride and help in obtaining better gas mileage. A fresh oil change is a good idea, to make sure all those engine parts that are working extra hard are lubed and moving easily. New wiper blades can make for better visibility especially when traveling on unfamiliar roa ... read more
Posted on 3/29/2021

Vehicle manufacturers spend a lot of money and time on ensuring their vehicles that are properly maintained will last for many thousands of miles, these manufacturers hire top level engineers that understand vehicle fluids and how long these fluids will last under different conditions. One of several fluids that are used in today's trucks and sport utility vehicles is differential gear oil. Every manufacturer has a recommended service interval for each differential gear oil for normal driving and severe driving. Anyone that tows any type of trailer(boat, travel trailer, landscaping trailer, etc.) or that uses their vehicle for snow plowing will need to follow the severe service interval. These vehicles that tow and plow, or even used off-road, work the vehicle’s differential hard and create a lot of heat which lessens the life of the differential gear oil ... read more