Posted on 12/6/2023

Introducing Rabbit Wheels Car Rental Service at Automotive Magic, your hassle-free solution to vehicle repairs and service inconveniences! We get it – the whole process of dropping off your car, arranging for transportation, or waiting for service can be a major disruption to your day. But does it have to be? At Automotive Magic, we're all about making your life easier. While our concierge service has been a great help for clients near our shops, we realize it still leaves you tied down, unable to run errands, or make quick trips while your vehicle is being serviced. That's where Rabbit Wheels comes in to change the game. Imagine dropping off your car for service and, instead of worrying about transportation, simply hopping into a rental vehicle from Rabbit Wheels conveniently located at Automotive Magic. Yes, it's as effortless as it sounds! We aim to ensure your convenience and keep you on the move while we take care of your vehicle. What sets Rabbit Wheels apart ... read more