It happens to all of us. Yes, we all get older, but that isn’t what I’m talking about. What happens to all of us is emissions checks. Some of us do it more frequently than others… if your vehicle is new. The older your vehicle gets, the more often the state requires us to check our rides.
I have to look up where to go for the emissions check. Golly, something that is required becomes so much work! What if it didn’t have to be another chore to do? What if you could get your vehicle repaired and inspected at the same place!? Oh my gosh, that would be awesome! Does such a place exist?? Yes, it does! At Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber we can do it all!
When the time rolls around, and you get the letter in the mail to get your vehicle inspected, it can be easy. You’re reading this so you’re already being educated in the importance of maintenance. The stress of “am I going to pass?” and “what are they going to find?” is real for the state inspection facility, regardless. Not with us! Not only are Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber there for your preventative maintenance and mechanical needs, but we are also a New Jersey State Emissions Inspection certified facility!
With a call or click on the website, you can schedule your appointment at your local Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber. You say what works for you without the wait and unknown at the State Inspection Facility. If you have any concerns about your emission system before the inspection, we are also your emission repair experts. Talk about convenience in a one-stop shop
When it’s time for your emission inspection, give us a call or click. No matter the situation, “We’ll Work Magic Under Your Hood!” There is nowhere else to go for the Magic Touch that you’ll receive Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber!