Posted on 4/22/2021

E As we enter into the warmer weather, summer is rapidly approaching, vacation destinations are top of mind and planning is in motion. A lot more people will be driving this year, as opposed to flying to their chosen location. While making your itinerary and deciding on beach gear and suitable clothing, you may want to consider getting your vehicle prepared as well. The extra weight of luggage, bicycles, and passengers in your vehicle can put an extra burden on your vehicle. A quick visit to our shop can help prevent some unfortunate mishaps along the way. Checking the condition of your tires, making certain that they have proper pressure and tread can make for a smoother ride and help in obtaining better gas mileage. A fresh oil change is a good idea, to make sure all those engine parts that are working extra hard are lubed and moving easily. New wiper blades can make for better visibility especially when traveling on unfamiliar roa ... read more