Posted on 7/1/2022
We all have busy, full lives. Our minds are filled with everything that we need to do in a day/week/month/year and often have plans to get it all done. But what happens when our plans get interrupted by an unexpected repair or maintenance of a vehicle? The economy is crap, inflation is through the roof and now this!? Have no fear, we at Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber are here for you in your time of need! We offer financing options for you when you don’t know how you’re going to get it done. The first option we offer is the NAPA EasyPay. This is a service provided through Synchrony Bank. It offers a 0% interest promotional rate, if paid off within 6 months. It’s a line of credit you can use on the immediate repair as well as any future vehicle repair needs. The other option is a snap! Loan. This service is provided through TAB Bank which looks beyond FICO scores and provides a loan of up to $3000. snap! Loans provides a quick and easy application pr ... read more
Posted on 6/2/2020
YOU WAKE UP AND IT'S A NEW DAY Reliability and peace of mind usually go hand and hand. Most often it’s not top of mind. You go through your day, expect that your morning shower will produce the hot steady flow of water that you are accustomed to and you don’t really even give it any thought. That’s pretty much the way most of us feel when we load up our essentials for the day, grab our keys and head out the door to work or school, or wherever you’ve planned on going. The UGH moment when you approach your vehicle to see a flat tire, or you get in, put your seatbelt on and it doesn’t start, or it starts but the air conditioner is blowing a steady stream of heat. Unexpected interruptions are NOT something that any of us like. WE HAVE ALL BEEN IN A SIMILAR SITUATION AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER The plans for the day are instantly changed and you might get a ... read more