Posted on 10/27/2020
What's That Noise Coming From You Brakes It seems as though a lot of people that were staying at home during the Covid 19 pandemic have noticed some brake noises that started to show up after their vehicles sat without being driven for some time. How Having a Brake Inspection Service Can Benefit Your Vehicle In some cases the noises sound a lot worse than they actually are. From sitting a build up of rust can build up on the rotors. It is always best to error on the side of caution and schedule a routine check up by your automotive technician. Our technicians can diagnose the cause by disassembling the brakes so they can get an in depth understanding of where the noise is coming from and how the problem can be fixed. In some cases, all that may be needed is some lubrication. This can be effective in removing some of the rust that is causing the noises. Diagnosis and Repairs Your ve ... read more
Posted on 10/20/2020
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW WHEN CHOOSING CONVENTIONAL OR SYNTHETIC OIL Going to get your oil changed, something you need to take care of for the well being of your vehicle. You might be stringent about getting it done on schedule and keep precise records, for this we applaud you. You might be thankful that most places that complete your oil change are nice enough to slap a sticker in the corner of your windshield and go by that. You get an atta boy and a pat on the back for that. You might wait until the oil maintenance comes on your dash, a little scream that says, ut oh, you are due. If you take action and schedule your oil change then, you are probably still in good graces with your car. These are ways that you protect your investment with the hope that you are taking the best care of your vehicle. In turn it will deliver years of faithful start ups, extra miles that you pray for and keep providing the reliability and comfort that you are hoping for. SCHEDULE OIL ... read more
Posted on 10/5/2020
My engine never overheats. Why should I get a cooling system service ?Automotive Magic Answer:There have been times when our customer's have questioned the need or a cooling system service for their vehicle. They don't quite see that there's a need, especially when they have never had a situation with their engine overheating. Well, that's a great question, and if you don't know the complete answer you may end up in a bit of trouble. It would seem that if our engine is running at the proper temperature that it must be fine.But the fact is that engine overheating is the most common cause of mechanical failure for drivers. So how do you get from everything is just fine to suddenly overheating and potential engine damage? ... read more